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Diagast - Microplate Line

Sistemi AB0 e Rh/Kell


DuoLys : 12 micropiastre da 8 profili, MagneLys 40 mL  Profilo A, B, AB, D, C, c, E, e, K, Ctl, 

ABD-Lys: 10 micropiastre da 16 profili, MagneLys 40 mL Profilo A, B, D, Ctl, ☐, ☐ / A, B, D, Ctl, 

Groupa 2 Lys: 12 micropiastre da 8 profili, MagneLys 40 mL Profilo A, B, AB, D1, D2, Ctl, 

Groupa DVI Lys: 12 micropiastre da 8 profili, MagneLys 40 mL Profilo A, B, AB, D1(DVI-), D3(DVI+), Ctl, 

Groupa CDE Lys: 12 micropiastre da 8 profili, MagneLys 40 mL Profilo A, B, AB, D, CDE, Ctl,

PhenoLys: 12 micropiastre da 16 profili, MagneLys 40 mL Profilo C, c, E, e, K, Ctl / C, c, E, e, K, Ctl

Pheno 1,2 Lys: 12 micropiastre da 8 profili, MagneLys 40 mL Profilo C1, c1, E1, e1, K1, Ctl / C2, c2, E2, e2, K2, Ctl

Groupa A1 Lys: 12 micropiaste da 8 profili Profilo A, A1, B, AB, D1, D2, Ctl,

Test diretto all'antiglobulina

Coombs Diretto

Micropiastre pre-seminate pronte all'uso 

79300 DC-Lys 256 profili8 micropiastre coattate con AHG 

Profilo IgG, C3d, Ctl / IgG, C3d, Ctl / IgG, C3d, Ctl /IgG, C3d, Ctl

Test indiretto all'antiglobulina

Micropiastre pre-seminate pronte all'uso 

Screening Anticorpale (RAI)

79853 ScreenLys: Micropiastre coattate con AHG anti-IgG,   

Pannelli Eritrocitari

59550 * HEMASCREEN Pool 2 cellule  

59852 * HEMASCREEN Pannello a 3 cellule   

59855 * HEMA-IDENT Pannello a 11 cellule  

Controllo di Qualità Interno

59502 * SERA CQI Provette barcodate pronte all'uso

Prove di compatibilità

79854 CrossLys: 8 micropiastre coattate con AHG anti-IgG e anti-IgM



As an international expert in the transfusion field, DIAGAST is listening to your needs to innovate and continuously improving its products. You already know QWALYS®’s high throughput, loading capacity and the advantages of E.M.® Technology. Nowadays, QWALYS® is reinventing itself and, for its new generation called QWALYS® EVO

STAT function

Thanks to a software management which assigns urgent factor, STAT samples will be given priority and will have an optimal time to result. Even if the system is operating, routine activity will be delayed to give priority to the STAT sample. Without any analysis, sample and reagents losses and no technician intervention required, the routine will be carried on after treatment of the STAT sample.

Dynamic scheduler

In order to enhance throughput, time to result and improve batch management QWALYS® EVO has now a dynamic scheduler. Hence, STAT samples have priority over others and the scheduler has been optimized to increase its fluidity and reactivity. QWALYS®EVO is even more flexible regarding analysis management whether working with batches or “on-the-fly”.

New user interface

Known by its users as being user-friendly, the QWALYS Data Software (QDS) displays a new design while keeping its key features. The upgrade of QDS provides new functions required by regulation entities (accreditation) but also new options meeting laboratories’ needs.

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